The retina is the film made up of light-sensitive nerve fibres at the back of the eye. This film is attached to the sclera, the outer casing of the eyeball. There are a number of circumstances where the retina tears and/or becomes detached from this casing, such as due to trauma; or when the vitreous liquifies, contracts and moves forward, and pulls the retina with it. Tears and detachments are painless; typically but not always they start in the peripheral retina, but left untreated spread to involve more central areas. People who are more highly short-sighted are at greater risk of developing retinal tears and detachments. Classical symptoms of a tear or detachment include photopsia (flashing lights), a sudden and dramatic increase in the number of floaters and the appearance of a veil or curtain across vision. Retinal tears and detachments need to be treated urgently, within a day or so, in order to preserve central vision in particular.
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